Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I don't know how to start this post.

It's probably going to be a whole lot of me rambling and TMI.

You have been warned.

The husband and I decided that since I started going bonkers in the emotion department that maybe I should stop taking birth control. (there were other reasons too)  So we stopped and I had my first non-medicated period in six years.

 Let me tell you, I felt great.

I lost weight, could sit through a commercial with a baby or dog in it without crying, stopped snapping at every person on the street people , and enjoyed the physical aspect of marriage more.  At this point I only saw one downside... my face broke out like a seventeen year old boy.  Well if that was all, then I could figure out how to control the acne and cover it up with make-up.

One problem.

I came to realize as time went on that it wasn't my only downside.  After that first period, I haven't had one in 87 days.  87 days!  Trust me, I am NOT pregnant. We've tested. Multiple times.  After visiting a new doctor and having my yearly well-woman exam, we drew some blood for a full workup.  The doctor wanted to test me for PCOS.

 Ever hear of it? Me neither.

PCOS is poly-cystic ovary syndrome. It is when the hormone levels in your body are so out of whack that you do not ovulate, therefore you do not have a period.  Not having a period might sound grand to some women, but trust me, it's not.  Your body needs that "cleaning out" that a period supplies.  PCOS prevents that from happening and it can make conceiving very difficult.  That's no bueno.

Thankfully I found out yesterday (a whole two weeks-full-of-worrying wait) that I do not have PCOS.  Thank the Lord.  

My lady bits just hate me. Wonderful.  Now I get to take a lovely pill that will force a period, but at least all my blood work came back in the great zone.  I'm healthy as a horse.

See ya'll later  :)